NOT a boring sunset
I know, I know. I said no more boring sunsets. But technically this is not a sunset, as I don't think the sun has hit the horizon yet (is that the definition?) Also it's a panorama so comes under my heading of gaining skills. I did mean photography skills rather than PS skills, but it is early days yet...
Actually this is my first panorama that worked properly so I'm quite happy, even if the subject (our local golf course) is a bit dull. Previously I've used my regular 'walk-around' lens (18-200mm) and probably always had it on the max wide angle to avoid altering it by accident during the shots. That leaves you with a really narrow panorama - I guess (with hindsight) because of the distortion of the lens. So this one I tried with my lovely, wonderful, all-powerful 50m prime lens, and it worked much better.
You see these more technical blips are all very well, but probably pretty dull to read. Tomorrow I'll try and think of something more interesting to say.
My photo for yesterday, by the way, is currently held up in moderator purgatory. Not, you should know, blip moderators who are all (grovel grovel) reasonable and speedy, but my very own in-house moderator with whom I am having a small issue about a recent revision to our in-house blip rules. In the interim, you'd be helping me out if you could all provide signed affidavits that you can't remember my childrens' names, don't know where we live and are generally rather nice folk.
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