1045. MM189 - Favourite Place
I struggled today because it was a bit grey and then the rain started and it didn't know how to stop! Not a good day for photos so I managed this quick shot with my iPhone of the bridge across the River Tay in the centre of Perth.....this is one of my favourite places as the view along the river is just beautiful.....
Well a full on afternoon on the computer finishing all the booking arrangements for our trip to Sweden and Denmark next June/July. We heard back from the Gota Canal cruise people this morning confirming our dates for next year...and the cabin we wanted too...so...next thing was to start the process of slotting this into our existing trip to Denmark and booking flights, hotels and thinking about travel between the various cities....and drum roll....we did it! Well all except our flight home as the dates aren't available yet....
So we fly to Copenhagen, collect our hired car then drive to Kalvehave for 7 nights....then back to the airport to drop off the car and get the train to Stockholm.....where we stay for 4 days...then get on the M/S Diana a 1930's steam ship and traverse the Gota Canal from Stockholm to Gothenburg for 6 days...then another 3 nights in Gothenburg before we fly home...phew! Almost three weeks away and this should more than make up for our lost 2 week holiday form this year to Denmark! I am beyond excited about this trip as it combines several things that we both love...Scandinavia....harbours....and ships!
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