One Crowded Hour

By GlassRoad

by the light...

...of the silvery moon glowing Kombi  our first big trip in Wabi Sabi is 13 days away and the planning is finally underway.
Yikes! is almost here!

Junior, 20+ class mates, and brave and bonkers?? teachers board a plane for the Year 6 HUGE camp to Canberra and Sydney in 13 days time.
A nanosecond later T and I will be loading up 'the van' and trekking north to Shark Bay...oh yeah!
A well folded map has new blue lines drawn on it.
A fresh-cracked Moleskin is filling up with facts and must visit places.
A micronation no less... The Principality of Hutt River.
A Camel Dairy ..
..and right up here on my Australian bucket list a day on Dirk Hartog Island.
And there will be dugongs and underwater paddocks of seagrass.  
Stromatolites and dolphins.
Australia's most haunted house.
A beach of shells, horizons of wildflowers and a couple of special places friend L has promised to draw 'mud maps' to.

13 days and counting!

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