Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

From the Roof

Was walking on the deck of our condo with H today to check out some stuff.... liked this high table on a neighbors ' deck on the original flooring and the odd angle and the ladder and the shadows and the floating homes on Lake Union across the street. some of the neighbors have built their decks up so they can enjoy the view more sitting down but that makes the parapet railing not high enuf for the building code... so there is a committee to investigate putting an extra see-thru thru railing on. ( condo red flag issue!!). We don't have anything on ours, but I like this table solution. too hot up there today tho...and the air is smoke hazy. I painted a wee bit on our deck mural ( blipped Friday) but had to quit... will get the girls back when it's cooler. TAlked H into turning on the AC ( something we didn't know we had til we'd lived here many years and then I think we only used it to test it ). If not now, when?

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