
The heat wave continues, although I think perhaps the end is in sight. There was actually a bit of a breeze this morning...enough to blow away the smoke and reveal a blue sky. We leapt into gear to take Ozzie to Spring Lake while it was still reasonably cool. I have never spent so much time looking at a thermometer, trying to decide when the outside temperature is cooler than the inside temperature so that we can open the windows and turn off the AC in the evening.

We weren't the only people at Spring Lake early this morning. There were families setting up picnics and lots of dog walkers. The view up the bone dry grass berm to the top of the dam was a pretty good example of how hot it's been, but not such a nice photograph. The single shot of color in a burnt landscape, blue leafless chicory flowers, were not their usual bright blue, but bleached by days of three digit temperatures.The hundreds of geese, egrets and herons gathered on a little sand bar in the middle of the lake were quite photogenic, but I only had my phone, and it doesn't have a very good telephoto. We were too early for the kids who usually fill the swimming lagoon and the water park.

Back at home, total lethargy struck. This is the first Sunday in months that I have read each of the sections of the big paper from cover to cover. OilMan is fretting about his garden, and disappears from time to time to 'deep water' something or cover it or uncover it. But he can't do much before he has to come inside and cool off.

I finally realized I had my perfect picture to illustrate how hot it is without even having to go outside. The candles on the console table by the front door are melting....

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