
A stay home and prep day. T had playing to do but I decided that the children and I needed a lie in and a late breakfast so we had eggs and soldiers mid morning, v nice.

Lego, Boppit, Dobble, Peppa, Top Trumps (am now an expert on superheroes!) I think we played them all today.

I then set to work naming any thing that moved - mainly uniform, ironed in, stuck and stamped. C had a try on, waistbands were pulled in and we have a year 2 ready boy. 6 years old, newly missing one of his big front two teeth and ready for action in a couple
of days.

The end of last term seems like an age away - I think it's safe to say we have packed it all in, it's been busy and there have been some fraught moments but on the whole I have love love loved having my two with me the whole time. We've all grown and learnt a lot in that time in lots of ways. ❤️

Sending C off to school on Wed is going to be hard for both R and I.

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