The rest of forever...

By DrMac


Went puppy training with Amber today as I'm her responsible adult next weekend....god help me!

She was a little gem for a 15 week old Pointer whose sole purpose in life is to try and hunt out birds. She was patient during the 15 minute talk on teeth cleaning (that's a new one to me!) and then tried hard to make Dad happy during the activities. She loved the tunnel amd was lovely to all the other dogs. Little poppet.

I popped back to M&D and loved seeing Amber in Pippa's bed. I think she loves the smells and the comfort under her body...she was ready to drop and with the comfort of her new dinosaur she nodded off fast.

Gym. Uni work. Dog walk. Dinner. Bookcase making. Lottie cuddles. Packing for Uni. Bed!

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