One of 4 old MGs I saw this afternoon, this one passing the Golden Rule at the bottom of the Kirkstone Pass. I understand that hundreds of cyclists rode up here this morning on the Helvellyn triathlon. 

As you can see, I'm back home. Most people say it's good to be home and in their own bed. I was very happy with my bed while away but did miss my laptop. The small screen of a phone is ok for lots of things but I find editing photos and writing more than the occasional text message very challenging. 

Our monthly two night trips to the north east are mostly to help my Aunt who is coming up 93 and determined to retain her independence and stay in her own home. We shop, cook, clean, cut lawns and keep the garden tidy, sort her paperwork, take laundry home and return it a month later, etc etc.  This time we added an extra day to be around for the replacement of some windows. The freezer got it's annual defrost too and an additional supermarket trip was needed because I forgot to wasn't asked to put certain items on the online grocery order, hence yesterday's blip. We've been doing this for 4 years now (since my Aunt returned home after months in hospital with a broken hip) and wonder how much longer we can continue. I'd love to go off travelling and not worry about when we return but it doesn't seem possible as there's no one else willing or able to take our place. 

The afternoon weather in extras. 

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