By the Regent's Canal

I was quite taken with this wee house at the canal by King's Cross. I was equally impressed by the bicycle. It's brightness took my mind of the lunchtime drizzle. I was also enjoying a great lunchtime blether with Jane so I really didn't notice the dreichness that much.

Tonight was to be my last swimming lesson since I felt I wasn't learning enough to justify staying on for another term. However, today's lesson was great and the new swimming teacher is a good motivator and a strong instructor. I found myself saying I would come back for another term after all, which feels right now I know that I'll have more one-to-one teaching. I was really proud of my fellow classmate, Basil, who completed his first ever length. I've been swimming with him for months and he was a complete beginner, but he's always struggled with his breathing so a length was a problem. Tonight, though, he cracked it and swam not one but two lengths. Hooray for Basil!

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