This Is Your Life

Dear Princess Normal & Fat Pete,

Today it is packing day in the flat. It is somewhat humbling to see all your important artefacts squished into little boxes and realising you could fit it all into a small cupboard.

To be honest, it's earlier than usual for me. I'm typically a count-the-knickers-and-throw-in-a-toothbrush sort of packer. I leave it until the day before for foreign holidays, and mere a couple of hours before if I'm in the UK.

Of course, circumstances are different this time. And mainly, we need to understand what is going in our luggage, because anything that ISN'T is either going in the shipping (getting picked up tomorrow) or being junked (on Tuesday).

The shipping is particularly complicated. We have to fill in a thorough customs/insurance form wherein EVERYTHING must be itemised. I'm not kidding. EVERYTHING. Including "number of pairs of underpants".

I'm not sure what happens if you go over the New Zealand knicker-limit, but I am taking no chances. I would be most vexed if NZ customs decided to seize my smalls.



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