
We have been waiting in anticipation for the information to arrive from her new music school. Some of it arrived today and called for a headshot for their ID badges (which she has to remember every time and not lose, or I get fined….!) It is all quite exciting, mixed in with some nerves from both of us. She's nervous about new teachers and if she'll still see B (she will, and the new teachers will be instrument specialists, she's going to be brilliant). I have a few more nerves after reading all the information -there's going to be some serious growing up for my 7yr old. Whilst it's for students aged 8-18, there's only one other under 11 in her centre. She'll quickly have to learn about taking responsibility for things like getting to her classes on time (partly why we've made learning time a priority), signing up for performances, completing paper work like target sheets etc. I'm hoping they've got their heads round the fact she's only 7 - stuff like the fact she won't actually be able to read the notice boards as they're too high so people will need to give her information or help with signing up. It will, I am sure, be fine. It's all just unknown quantities until she starts in three weeks time. 

We had another lazyish day. We got some food bits in town, we played uno a lot, we made a wizards wand ready for a Quidditch match we are playing in on Sunday, she had a meltdown and subsequent nap…. 

As she woke from her nap, Granny and Grandad were arriving. They watched her for half an hour whilst I went to collect the Hogwarts robes she's borrowing for the match. Katie and Grandad played lots. We all had tea. Grandad read to her, put her to bed. Katie didn't go sleep. That'll teach me to let her go for a nap even if she's grumpy! 

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