
By Poppy

Nice weather for them!

A lovely cold bright day, and everyone seemed happy and cheery, even the ducks!

Had an appointment with my solicitor today, but it was cancelled at short notice so I had some unexpected spare time. Managed to catch up on some long overdue jobs, including the last of my Christmas thank you letters, to my cousin in Kuala Lumpur. Hopefully he'll just think the post is particularly bad at this time of the year!

Outside there are bulb shoots appearing in the borders, and there are buds coming on the tree and bushes. Such a great time of year, when the days are getting that bit longer and things are starting to move in the garden. You have to make the most of them, because there will still be plenty more grey days of wind and rain to come before the spring! Rats, I'm trying to think positively and now I've blown it!

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