Catching stars

By Reenie

3 daily updates? i'm getting better!

Here's a picture of my little Niamh bean making Peppa Pig cupcakes!
She's quite the wee baker :)
We didn't get off to a great start this morning. Poor thing in tears this morning as she was sick. If there's one thing that really bothers me, its my children upset, hurt, sick.
I just want to take it away and make them happy. I absolutley adore seeing a child run around lively as can long as they don't break anything...including themselves!

Currently, It's just myself and the kids in the flat tonight. Sean is staying over at his cousins due to work stuff. I hate the flat at night, i dunno why.
I actually found myself watching proper crap tv tonight. Seriously.
I stumbled upon a show called "Snooki and Jwoww" Oh my gosh i haven't seen anything like this in my life. (I never watched the reality tv programm Snooki was in..rather vomit..) I found myself spending around 15mins with a mini roll in tow.
Disgraceful. I'm half watching Harry Potter instead. Haha.

I haven't really posted proper updates recently. I havent really been in the mood, i think because so much has happened. Lot's of personal issues as well as a friend, who used to be my best friend at school sadly passing away. I feel a bit better as time goes on, i mainly feel regret for drifting apart. I miss him a lot and don't think I ever will stop missing him. I do however have some wonderful memories though and I will treasure them forever x

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