The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Welcome to Hell

One of the grimmest locations in this part of the world, Falkirk Bus Station probably looked OK as a scale model in the architect's office. In practice, it's ugly, depressing, windy and designed in a wide arc so as to drop you as far away from your connecting bus so that you invariably miss it every bloody morning. It deserves recognition for this failure on every level.

I wait for my bus just in front of the ironic "Welcome to Falkirk Bus Station" sign. Where I took this photo is a littered ramp that reeks of stale piss next to a crumbling Tesco's building that shut 3 years ago and still has a shelter full of redundant trolleys where drunks and vagrants dump their clothes. This photo actually paints the place in a flattering light.

Come friendly bombs, and fall on Falkirk Bus Station is what Betjeman would write today...

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