Flower Blip and same day!!!
Finally weekend. We have quite a lot on our to-do list for this weekend.
I was good and managed to do quite a few tasks today:
1. Sorting the return stuff from my Steampuck-binge-order, ready to post
2. Finally packing something I intend to send to someone since almost 1 year! Now ready to post!
3. Finishing the DVLA registration paperwork for my idle car from Germany, which sits in a garage in Edinburgh since over 4 (FOUR!!!!) years - ready to send!
4. Probably something else I just cannot recall ... ;)
Tomorrow we still need to:
1. go to the post office:)
2. look at bathroom tiles (already dreading this)
3. Setting up the photo booth we intend to do for the steampunk wedding to see how it works best
4. starting to pack for Berlin next week Wednesday (YEAH - holiday - I hope!)
5. Booking flights for October Berlin trip (might do that tonight though)
We also went for a walk through Kelvingrove Park, had a coffee, looked at the dinosaurs in the Botanics, talked about what we are going to do in Berlin next week (always fun planning and in the end we only do half of it :))
Now back home, blip sorted, food in the oven, couch waiting.
I am so glad that I got finally the DVLA stuff sorted! I may have a car again sometime soon. Not that I really needed it but it comes in handy sometimes.
Blip is taken in the park. First flower blip since ages I think. I should know the flower, but memory of names is bad today. Age thing :)
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