Naughty but Nice

Tunnocks's Tea Cakes and Irn Bru, dietary icons of Scotland, depicted in a mural up a vennel off Argyle Street in Glasgow. Unfortunately both are very bad for one's health even if they taste rather good, but then I have a sweet tooth.

His Lordship and I had rolled into town earlier to have a belated birthday lunch with Glasgow daughter and the grandchildren,Nina and Ewan.
Son-in-law was manning a book stall at the CCA in Sauchiehall Street and couldn't join us.
The lunch was a success: the children well behaved and a delight to spend time with. There was no problem with meals not being eaten when there was a children's menu with pictures of each dish so that they knew exactly what they were ordering. Nina will be 9 in a fortnight, is very mature and a joy to talk to.

I had meant to photograph them and make it my blip, but only remembered when we got back on the train to Edinburgh, and so the lady with the guitar and bad dietary habits gets the blip accolade today.

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