Second Chance

This watch was a birthday present in February from Dd. I've worn Swatches for as long as I can remember and this was a small step up from plastic to metal with a revolutionary interior design that means it has an automatic winding function with a reserve of ninety days, only 51 pieces (all held together by a single screw) and it's the only watch in the world to be assembled by machine without a human hand touching it. Unfortunalety, what I thought were black enamel inserts around the bezel turned out to be cheap skin-thick plastic inserts that scrumpled up and fell out in the humidity of Abu Dhabi during the summer and the two-stop crown used to change the date and hour decided that one stop was enough and left me unable to change the position of the hands between time zones. Of course, we had lost the two-year guarantee but as the model has been on the market for only nine months, Swatch in Barcelona kindly agreed to accept our American Express statement as proof of purchase in Rome airport. They were really very good about it. So, it's nice to have a replacement but the jury is out on whether this particular watch will fare any better than its predecessor!

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