A week of kiddies came to an end; I watched them scurry thorugh the school gates and off into huddles in the playground and I went off to shop / to hers briefly.
Then home. To make up for lost time (at work; I did a bit if catching up).
Some dishes and laundry before the lure of the sunshine dragged me out onto the bike. (TBH I didn't need much enticing)
To hers; slowly and indirectly but finally arrived and made seafood chowder; she did the curry and finally got to eat the foraged plum crumble.
A good evening before winding my way homewards on a bike. To Vuelta highlights and the news that my aunt had passed away (She'd been in the hospice for a week or two; and her only daughter had hurriedly arranged to bring forward her wedding and done that on Tuesday so hardly unexpected, but...)
It's not often you see a lolly pop lady taking her work home with her
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