
By TBay

How to get an Orchid to a flower show.

Why you put it in the front of your car and hope you don't have to brake suddenly. Which FYI I had to do when an idiot pulled out in front of me!! Anyway I managed to get most of my entries in by 8:00 pm so I don't have too much to do in the morning.

I spent most of the day putting  all my entries together for tomorrow and Sunday. The North Somerset Ploughing Match and Produce Show on Sunday has cancelled the actual Ploughing and will only be holding Produce Show due to the awful weather forecast. Not too sure I want to do that either !!

Farming - Two on compost then two on baling.

Mr Tbay a bit better today but is now left with a hacking cough!

Busy day tomorrow. Drop off rest of items for show, get hair cut, finish flower arrangements, get room ready for the W's, pick up exhibits and take to next show, back home and get ready for evening Wedding Party.   Could be a tad knackered by the end of Sunday!! Oh the joys of country life!

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