Pecking order..?

They whizz past, these flying things that go zzzz...


They all look similar until you stand still for a while.
Under a canopy of trees.
Being, I might add, bitten to  ******y by teeny tiny flying innocuous- looking Biting Things.
 (My forehead looks like a beacon..
A bitten beacon..
Crimson hued.
And lumpy.
YES, I know I shouldn't touch it, but it ITCHES).
I keep meaning to log all the different bees that visit. There are many and all subtley different.. A red bottom, a grey bottom, two yellow stripes (or one), tiny and with a furry yellow beard... Solitary or bumble. And don't start me on the hoverflies!
You get the picture (no pun intended. Not until I wrote that at least!).

I was outside earlier.
It threatened rain.
I came in...
Glorious it is out there now Yoda.

The red wine forecast is pretty favourable too.

Happy Friday one and all :-)

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