
Today I am mainly being tired.

This is in no small bit due to the fact that we had a power cut at around 8.30pm

Cue the candles, romantic sing songs around the piano, rekindling that blitz spirit and no heating at all. Everything in the house runs on electricity except the gas fire, which is now a court case away from being repaired.

Roll on to about 12.30am and the electricity companies contractors turn up, complete with pneumatic drills and proceed to dig up the street...great fun.

Not much sleep for the adults but the little ones slept through the whole thing. Thomas in particular as he was exhausted after his first and by all accounts thoroughly enjoyable first day at school. He even had a fit when it got to taking his uniform off at pyjama time.

Well power was back on this morning although every clock in the house has been reset to the blinking 0:00.

Note to self, must buy a wind up alarm clock, even my phone needed charged so I couldn't use that.

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