Will the paddle boarder
There have been a variety of ever changing paddle boarding plans this week in the end there was a changed location and I opted to not go, I didn't feel up to potentially challenging activities. Hannah, George, Jimmy and Will set off, immediately I could see Will was refusing to listen to a single word of instruction and was well on the way to a proper closed down strop. They all bimbled up the lake out of my vision for ages and then all of a sudden appeared in view, all standing up and paddling away like proper professionals, it was a right lovely scene. Common boy opinion was they didn't like the instructor man because he wasn't very kind or nice. He got them all up and doing it right though so I think he was probably spot on.
Then home for a spot of lunch and then to the beach for boys and dog swimming in some glorious waves. And then out for Turkish dinner. There has been much eating and drinking over the last two weeks, I am beginning to think gout is a real possibility.
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