Forest churchyard
I went for a quick trip (between the heavy showers) to St John's church Coolhurst, the little church in the forest today. It was full of Devil's-bit scabious, which a huge amount of bees of at least 5 different species were busy nectaring on. At the same time there were at least 6 large Hornets flying around, purposely bumping into the bees and knocking them off the flowers, I stood and watched for about 15 minutes, fascinated by the wonderful orange and brown hornets, musing their behaviour, they are such beautiful misunderstood insects.
I found this Hover fly keeping a low profile, no doubt keeping out of hornet sight, I am not sure what species it is as my hover fly book has gone missing, but as soon as I find it I will add an ID, but if anyone knows in the meantime, that would be great.
Update:- I have been told it is Meliscaeva cinctella a widespread and common hoverfly, especially in the South.
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