If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

The middle of nowhere.

After a morning opticians appointment I decided to take a wander in Greystoke Forest.  Rather than take the tracks I knew I went further into the forest on the forest road, then headed off up a little used path I hadn't been along.

After w while I popped out from among the mature trees and shaded path on to a small area of grass. The reason was soon obvious rocks poked out of the grass and the ground fell away steeply.  I was standing on top of a small crag.

The view across the tree tops towards Blencathra and Carrock Fell was wonderful.  Obviously somebody had agreed with me but a long time ago.  There almost engulfed by the Sitka Spruce was the remains of a picnic table.  The supports of one of the seats had rotted through and been carefully laid to one side.

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