
By Poppy

Last chance . . . .

Last change to see them before I cut them all and took them along to B.  Her rapidly worsening dementia means she's not sure when we are going on holiday, if we have already been, when we come back etc etc, but her husband is doing a sterling job of keeping her going and she seemed quite happy when I left these sweet peas with her this evening.  She did ask if Ollie was staying with them, because she wasn't sure they could manage him, but I reassured her that he was coming in the camper van with us.  

A bit of a frantic day, doing last minute bits and pieces, but it's all done now and the van is just about ready to go.  Off on the 23:45 ferry overnight to Aberdeen, the start of our adventures!  Blipping may be erratic, but hopefully I shall be back!

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