Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The double edged sword

Language is humanity's greatest achievement but also its greatest curse, and there is no better representation of that curse than the tabloid press. It's difficult to know where to begin really; the obsession with Lady Di, the cult of the showbiz personality, the scaremongering about everything from wars to the weather, and the sheer racism and unbridled Islamaphobia.

To say that I loathe the likes of The Sun, The Express, The Daily Star and The Daily Mail doesn't really do it justice. I actually consider them evil. They poison minds, twist truths and misrepresent reality day in, day out. They use the same language as Shakespeare, Churchill and Dickens not to bring people together but to divide them under false flags and to maintain the status quo that keeps the richest in the ascendancy and the poorest in their place.

Well that's got that off my chest.

Very busy day at work. So much going on at the moment. I had a couple of rabbit in the headlights moments today; had to stop and just walk away eventually.

Tomorrow looks set to be even busier. Oh well ...

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