Hollibobs day 3 and the sun still shines

Sleeping for grown ups and little ones isn't great here. Daddy went to the pub last night. He and Uncle john walked 3 miles there and 3 miles back. Think this wore daddy out as he was snoring a great deal when he finally got to bed. I decamped to the sofa. I had a much thicker blanket so wasn't too cold, although we did have to put the heating on this morning to warm us up

The children went next door for breakfast. Our breakfast was delivered here. Lush.

We headed to pendine again. First on the beach. It was cool but soon ramped up to roaring hot. We left after four hours. Wom had a sleep, Munchie and I went for a swim. Headed out for tea. Tea demolished

Home for a quick play on the swings then showers for all.
Happy days

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