
By tourist


I love them. I love how they don't know where they are going and when they do find the right direction they manage to help a photographer take his best shot on the night.

Just after work tonight i went out with a mate to take some photographs first off on the Dreghorn junction off the bypass over the bridge to take some long exposure shots. After taking loads of photographs on long exposures, we then drove to Arthurs seat and walked up a short distance and planted our tri-pods on the hill overlooking the roundabout just near the Scottish Parliament building.

I took several shots from there fully in the knowledge that my battery was close to running out so i was quite selective with what kind of shots i was going to take basing it on the amount of traffic on it's way to the roundabout.

We parked the car in the carpark at the side of the Arthurs Seat and saw this car with French Plates parked in a really strange position. I just assumed that they were tourists just parking where they thought it was okay to park. There was not many people so i didn't really think too much about it. We ended up seeing this car leave and just as it was leaving i saw it approach the roundabout and thought i'd just see what it was like with the one car going around (not knowing where abouts too) and much to my delight this car circled the roundabout twice therefore adding even more light to the roundabout giving you the clear red and white light. I was very very pleased.

I definitely suggest people take a trip to Arthurs Seat during the night and try taking some shots like this if you haven't already. I'll definitely be going back again in the next few days. It was also nice capturing the Scottish Parliament Building at the left hand side.

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