Stomach seems to have settled so have started on the BRAT diet - bananas, rice, apple sauce and toast! Have to say Arborio rice cooked with coconut milk and sprinkled with Himalayan salt is rather tasty! Must admit my chest feels tight but I think that is wind as I keep burping! 
I'm finding it deeply ironic that my incident should have happened in my Happy Place! Colourful Mai is doing my close tonight as not feeling up to it plus I am apprehensive of going up there again! 
I have started to read The Night Circus - what a beautiful, magical read it is! Disappearing into the circus takes my mind off worrying about my physical symptoms! Quite by chance I came across 2 sites that are going to help me clear not just my house but my mind! The first was about setting up a morning routine - I have one but it mostly revolves around seeing to my pets! So I am making it more me centred! You make one or more goals under the headings of health, mindset, productivity and self care! 
The second site is called DailyOM and is a course called A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back - you get one lesson for 365 days! What the course calls a slow drip approach to a clearing adventure! My second lesson was the sentence "You are not the wind-up toy!" Oh did that ever resonate with me!

"It seems we spend half our lives winding ourselves up, like mechanical wind-up toys, and the other half unwinding, or trying to unwind. If we've learned to live well, our unwinding will be even and steady. We'll have energy to spare right up to the the very end. If we've wound up our "toy" too tightly or too fast over the years, however, we'll either find ourselves stuck in a lock jam that keeps us spinning in circles, or we'll unwind so fast that we'll careen off the table, hit the wall, and keel over."

Well keel over I did! So now I am slowly going to learn to unwind, stand up and not wind myself up again! 

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