
Today was all about resettling - unpacking, washing etc... Asha spent the majority of the day playing with her lego!
This evening we had Caña Club. We celebrated the lovely Claire's birthday! She's probably one of my closest friends here. She writes for the UK paper, and because of her I've had lots of opportunities to do photos for them too. She's a caring soul & has been really good to me when I've needed it...even parcelling up various herbal remedies when I was low on energy & feeling unwell during pregnancy! I know she's someone I can count on. Everyone needs a Claire in their life.

Drama of the day;
The kids still being awake at 11,30pm! They're both in my bed now... it's been a long couple of hours since bedtime!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Claire! My life improved when I met her 3 years ago!
2) Mishkid! Happy 30th! 
3) A lovely evening chatting with the CC guys. 

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