Bike rack
Day two at nursery was a standard half day.
We went on the bus, and CyclopsJnr was pleased to put his bike in the rack alongside the big kid bikes.
No problems at all, a good day. The teachers laughed kindly about how unusually confident he is. I asked them to give him a wee pep talk on bag leaving.
When I collected him he left his bag on the peg with no issues, and told me the nice ladies were looking after it for him.
They did music today, and CyclopsJnr has been 'singing' a song about days of the week, with clapping. He has also been talking about trains and sandpits and diggers.
In the afternoon CyclopsJnr was persuaded to have a nap. So he was happy and it was a pleasant low key afternoon at home and the park. He wanted to play on the skate park, and I said I wasn't sure if the big ones would want him to join in. He said "I need to do my own thing, Mummy!" Fair enough. I let him go and he somehow got himself involved.
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