Cows at the bottom of the garden

So, I’m just trying to buy some tickets.

All chosen and ready to pay . . . then
. . . you either log in or register . . . why??

Sigh – I try going in as a ‘guest’, but as soon as I put in my email address, it says that email is registered. So back a few steps and I try logging in – it doesn’t recognise my attempts at a few passwords. So, click on ‘forgotten password’ and as soon as I put in the email (same one as before!), it says there is no one registered with that address!! 

I hunt around and eventually find a note I had made a long time ago with a password. I try that password (the same as I tried before) and hey presto! Hello Paula.
By this time I couldn’t really remember what I was trying to buy. 
Why are these things so difficult?

Now to buy some train tickets . . . 

Blip number 1947 - some special people were born that year!! 

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