Hello Dolly.

The plan for today, was to do the annual trim of our conifers, well J does the trimming, and I do the gathering up. That plan went out the window, as it was raining when we got up, so plan B was put into place. I went to the gym, and J played, er, worked in the hobby room. I haven't seen Mike for ages, so we had a good catch up this morning. Afterwards, I walked to town, and as I passed the Ty Hafen charity shop, I saw this huge dolls house in the window. You would need a big room to put it in, but I thought it was amazing. It was getting a lot of attention from passers by, and one man said, that's bigger than my house:-) I wonder how much it will sell for? I did some shopping in town, and then  caught the bus home. 

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