Fire escape and the bike shed roof

So many hard, square lines and shadows, softened by the shadow from the bike shed roof.

A mild surprise greeted me at work this morning. I'm now working on another first, how it goes I'll get feedback on in a couple of days.

Yet another mild sunny day but it was deceptive. Until I was heading towards home on my bike I didn't realise the sou'westerly breeze had a wee bite. My bare arms didn't really warm up and lost ground every time I bike through a shaded patch.

Ah pub quiz. Last night we were beaten into second place by one point. The team we're often up against are teachers. They take it very seriously. There isn't much laughter or smiles from their table. The team I'm in laughs a lot and has fun :-)

Today's gratitude: For a colleague who made a difference when they realised I was struggling with the noise level in open plan. Sometimes little things can make a difference and release pressure.

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