Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

The Homestead

Woof. And a lot more for all you folk that showed your colours and patted me yesterday.
Goodness me I was just looking but it appears you all were too and the response on this site is sometimes completely overwhelming.
The Boss is chuffed
The Bossess is chuffed
AND I am super chuffed. Thank you heaps.

Today was a day of false starts. (And NO swapping of the first letters please...This is a family show.)
So the Boss throws his camera in to Suzz along with me (I jump in under my own steam...thanks) and along with some mail and other stuff and we head off . NO NO NO I sing, wrong way to Mt Iron as we make a right turn and head away from town. I am a very emotive dog you know and when I anticipate excitement I have been known to sing. There may be an album on dTunes soon. Called "Songs to Suzz by" Very expressive, so the Boss says. He also says "For goodness sake shut up" as well but I know he doesn't mean that so I take no notice. Just along the road a bit he pulls over, winds the window down and makes clunking noises. WITHOUT getting out. Isn't there a rule somewhere that you have to get out of the car? Well Yes it was pouring I suppose and Yes I was not about to go running about on the road. SO... Hmmmmm.
Then we turn round and go the other way into town.
Then we go home.
All that singing for nothing. Disgusting!
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