Organic for Mono Monday

My dermatologist and others said our skin is the largest organ of our body, so I chose  that for my organic MonoMonday shot.  As a melanoma survivor (1987), I am probably more conscious of skin stuff than the average guy.  Anyway, even though this shot reminded me I am aging, I thought it would be a good time to ask if you will take a good look at "the little finger" (pinkie to some) and then look at yours.  If you have 4 divisions on your finger, maybe we are a match.  There is no fourth joint on my finger, but the skin creases appear there might be.  I've never met anyone who has 4, although it is not a question I ask often.  This is only on my left hand.  A friend once told me  it was an anthropological throwback as apes have 4 joints.  I've never been close enough to an ape to check.  If you think I've asked this question before on here, please remember aging is not limited to our skin.  (-:

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