
By adventuresofRoj

Cepaea nemoralis

It's been an amazing autumn for blackberries -the best I can remember: judged by West Yorkshire standards where some years they all taste pretty sour.  Obviously West Yorkshire has some very advantageous points too but succulent blackberries aren't often amongst them. Anyway, I went to photograph some blackberries.

And the leaves on the bramble patch at the end of our lane are just starting to turn multi-coloured.  This particular corner is also home to a dense population of snails which I'd forgotten about until I got there.  I have no idea why this particular bramble is so popular.

So, these are Banded Snails: which should, clearly, correctly be called Stripy Snails.  They are available in unstriped pink, unstriped yellow and stripy yellow of varying shades of brightness.

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