Return to the North

By Viking

Asylum Steampunk 2017

Sis suggested we went to Lincoln today and boy what a day. The Doomsday Book is at the Castle and I really wanted to see it (bit of a history buff) The book heads back to the vaults next week so we were cutting it pretty fine for a viewing. I still thought she was slightly mad wanting to go on a Bank Holiday Monday but hey ho.
Sis was far ahead of me - she knew that there was a steampunk rally on for the weekend. So yes Lincoln was absolutely manic but it was AWESOME! 
Check here for what steampunk is  There were so many amazing costumes. It has been really difficult to pick one - but love the vibrancy of the colour in this shot. the woman was seriously skinny! 
Check out here for some more shots plus some of the cathedral 

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