Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Blip Etiquette

Most of you already know, but for those new comers, it is important to review the basic courtesies that most blippers adhere to.

It is polite to ask others if you can photograph them, and post their photo on blip before doing so. If they say, "sure, no problem", then you should raise your camera or do whatever you do to prepare to take your photo, complete your actions, say thank you, and if you have a blip card, give them one so they can view it later.

If you are inclined to raise your camera and impulsively, and hastily announce, "I need a blip today" just before the "click", and the person, just as hastily sticks their tongue out, then refuses to give you permission, it is appropriate to use your refined editing tools to implement subtle changes to the photo so that the subject can not be identified. When doing so, it is helpful to carefully remove all identifying features and, perhaps, alter the color slightly.

If you happen to be the younger sibling of the subject, it is still possible they will discover your blip eventually and might recognize themselves in the photo. In this case, a good back up plan is to carry chocolate.

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