Journey Through Time

By Sue

Picasa Coneflower/Echinacea

Decided to make this coneflower kind of fun. Hope you like it.

Summer is returning to the Pacific Northwest. It's gorgeous. Cool nights and warm days. Looking forward to our little getaway trip to the beautiful Oregon Coast. I will be doing back blips, so watch this space for (hopefully) some nice scenery photos.

Today I went to my Physical Therapist and she tweaked that brace some more. It's a bit more comfortable and possibly won't press so hard on my arthritic thumb joint. Oh, gads..I can't believe I have to say things like that now. Sigh Well, it runs in both sides of my family, so...that's part of the human condition. Anyway....Thanks for the comments on my spider web yesterday. I hope I can deliver something good for the next three days. Oh, and I also had my hair cut and done. My hair guy was in no big hurry today, so he fussed and fluffed, and brushed and I about went to sleep in the chair, it felt so relaxing.

Catch ya later, Blippers. Have a good week.

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