
By Cailleach

Ins and Outs....

This week, I have mostly been......

in the sea (exhilarating)

outdoors (well, whoever heard of the sea being indoors?)

in clover (the machair)

out of breath (stomping through the clover)

in deep shit (coos everywhere)

out of reach (bugger all mobile signal)

in the pub (Tiree gin - it would have been rude not to try it)

out of luck (no bottles of Tiree gin for sale on the island)

in the huff (a slight disagreement about the finer points of 'Scrabble')

out of inspiration (it's impossible to make a word from JCZXIRQ)

in the Co-Op (other supermarkets really weren't available)

out of money (a painting and two pairs of earrings - oops)

in the dark (the whole island experienced a ten hour power cut yesterday)

out of candles (we sat there in complete darkness, without a tv, or radio; it was great)

indiscreet (I met a well known Scottish actor in a hotel, and had a marvellous gossip about her ex-agent who just happens to be an ex-something else of mine.....)

outraged (some guy winked at me in the pub - and then said I reminded him of his mother)

in heaven (Tiree is absolutely blissful), and

in denial (back to work tomorrow. Boo.)

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