Shattered bunny

A very slow start to the day
Sausage sandwiches have become a Sunday morning treat - Munchie says she knows it's Sunday when she smells them cooking!

We've tidied, we've played. I've managed to label and box up most of the stuff I'm sending to the Nct sale. Forgot to red dot everything first time around! Grrr!

Went for bike ride but tiredness became an issue. Drove up onto the hills to look down on all the Morgans, wom fell asleep. Popped to little Sainsbury's for tea and got tons for just £5. So much stuff reduced to £0.39!

Munchie and wom have played on the wii again. She's getting better at mario cart, she's also begun to master hula hoop.

Baths for everyone
Last few things need to be packed in the morning, hoping to get signal...

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