Bald Eagle

By JohnJD

A Few Firsts

It has been a busy week in our bellringing tower. The clock, which had been refurbished when work was being done on the tower last year, was finally overhauled and started on Wednesday. And now after two years of silence it is again striking the hour. We have also had our first complaint that it is ringing throughout the night. We will close the sound control on one side of the tower to see if that helps with the problem.

This morning we rang for the usual Sunday morning service. We then returned to the tower to ring for a wedding at 1.30pm. The bride was 20 minutes late so we deducted that from the ringing after the service.

After the wedding 6 regular Sunday morning ringers attempted the first quarter peal in the tower. I am pleased to report that the peal was successful and rung in about 41 minutes. It will be recorded in Ringing World. The QP was rung to mark one of our founder members going up to university next week. The band comprised of three ringers from our tower, two of whom had previously rung a quarter peal. It was the first quarter peal for our Tower Captain NM. A wonderful achievement. They were ably assisted by three more experienced ringers who regularly support us. We are very grateful to them for all that they do to help us.

It is traditional for the ringers to be photographed following a QP in the same order as the bells they rang. Who am I to break with this tradition?

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