To Woodend Hospital in Aberdeen today for a laryngoscope.  The procedure felt weird, but not uncomfortable, and it was fascinating to see up my own nose and down my own throat :))
There were no lumps or bumps found, so it seems that the hoarseness is just the lingering result of a virus in April.  Ironically, my voice has become much stronger this week, so I'm hopeful it might be back to normal once I get over the cold.
It was a relief to have it over with, and know that there is nothing to worry about...afterwards I sat in the sunshine with a lady from Shetland, while waiting for the anaesthetic to wear off.  The hospital is in nice grounds with beautiful trees.
I bought a new camera in Dixons at the airport...I think I was still on a bit of a high after my appointment, and feeling reckless ;)
Orkney was looking beautiful on the journey home.

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