When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

Me and my boy

Horrid day out today. Couldn't face dragging my carcass out into the high winds so I decided to have a fiddle with my speed light, which I've failed to fully utilise as yet.

I did have a Nikon creative lighting system for Dummies book, but as my life is largely still packed in boxes, I couldn't find the bloody thing. Instead I opted for trial and error. Managed to get it firing off camera, but wasn't sure if you could do that without firing the in camera flash. To combat the problem I just stuck some post-it notes over it. Low-tech but effective.

All the flashing and beeping roused Melvin's interest, so I grabbed him for a couple of frames. I was still fiddling at this point so the lighting is allover the place, but I like the shot so here it is.

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