Edinburgh International Photographic Exhibition

Apparently this is my official 4th birthday on blip; tomorrow is the real one but 2016 was a leap year. It’s also the day I finally caught up from our trip to Shetland and Orkney; going away is really disruptive to my blip as we don’t go to places with wi-fi.
We always go to the photo exhibition at the Edinburgh photo club and this year marks the 155th year. There are 200 photos chosen from the submitted prints, and their diversity cannot be questioned. However, to my eyes, there is an over representation of manipulated ‘digital art’ rather than someone spotting an image and taking a photo of it. This year I was fed up with striped socks, fish, fairies and swirly chiffon. Also this year there was a lot more monochrome, so that must be a trend I missed. I counted the photos I liked, and it’s obviously subjective, and I got 16 out of 200; rather less than usual. The blip is an arrangement of the catalogues for this year.

Yesterday’s blip.  

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