Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Two babies one has a tad more hair than the other.

Jake has torn himself away from Pepé pooch to have a small play with Sadie... but his heart really belongs to Pep...... sadly Pepé does not think that much of Jake and his random hugs and to be brutally honest I think Pep want's to bite Jakes arms off.
Busy day today,dog walking in the sunshine with my regular dog walk chums and their pooches,then I rushed to the supermarket to grab some stuff to make a hamper for my brothers birthday gift,and some stuff for my nephew Adam as it is his birthday next week but Mum and I are using our SNACK WEDNESDAY to go visit Stuart and the boys in Sarrrrrrffff London tomorrow.
Then off to collect Jake so Zoe could have a break for a few hours,Jakey and I played outside for ages,until it rained.. then we tipped cars everywhere.. not full size,toy ones....then we had some lunch... tipped more cars on the floor,threw some around the kitchen,shouted random strange words and also called everything 'CAT' even when it is not a cat.. then we went to bed... well he did,I went and tided up..... I also made some soup.
anyway I cannot type any more I am run ragged.

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