
This is Miss L and Miss A at Stowe today.
Miss A is my God-daughter, the daughter of my oldest friend Miss K. We've known each other since we were eight - not that much older than these two which is lovely and terrifying at the same time!
Stowe was beautiful today - a proper sunny, blustery Autumn day. Miss A managed an impressive amount of walking and running about. Miss L - who tends at adhere to a why walk when you can be pushed? philosophy - did hardly any less walking but seemed to enjoy herself.
The day could have taken a turn for the worse when we were waiting for the land train back up to the carpark. A herd of crazed bulls and cows started stampeding out of their field and straight towards us. There was one with a particularly nasty glint in it's eye which stood and stared at us for just that awful nano second too long!
A man on a golf buggy corralled them back to their field but after a few minutes the National Trust lady exclaimed that they were sneaking back towards us from behind and started yelling into her walkie-talkie for help.
It was like some awful horror film and I must admit I over reacted a bit because we had the children.
And they were snorting and jumping about.
The cows not the children!
So shouting "Oh my God" I dashed into the National Trust ticket shed, followed by Mrs K and another mum and toddler. Once I was inside the flimsy balsa wood structure I realised it may have been a mistake because if they charged at us the shed would likely collapse and we'd be trampled inside.....
What a ridiculous way to die!!!!!
Ha ha!!!
But all was well. More golf buggies and quad bikes appeared and eventually the farmer. And we were safely esconced on the train. Phew!
Another cup of tea in the cafe helped to calm my nerves!
I went to a Literacy meeting at Miss E's school today to see how they're teaching reading and writing. My God, you need an advanced degree in semiotics to get to grips with it.
Hats off to the little ones!!
Oh and hats off to my beautiful Miss E who was made Star of the Week yesterday. She's got a special star sticker from the Headmistress and a certificate which says she's Star of the Week because she's always so polite and always tries her hardest at everything.
She was positively glowing with pride when she told me.
But not as much as me.

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