
...growing like mad on a giant rose bush! 
Last week Tom and I drove over to check on the demolition of St. Mary's High School, and when we drove around behind it we saw so many large patches of flowers, all in bloom and all so carefully tended by the retired nuns---this giant rose bush was one of them. My grandma used to have one much like this and I loved it, so I decided I'd go back today to photograph it, and when I did, I had a nice talk with one of the sisters. She showed me their "wild walkway"--a large area that they've let go back to nature, full of native plants and grasses, and there are several paths that go through it. It's grown so high that when you walk the paths you can't be seen from outside of it. She was so sweet, and told me to come back and walk the paths whenever I'd like some quiet time in nature. :))
Thanks BikerBear, for your longtime hosting of FF! :))

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