Before, During, and After

I went with one of my walking buddies to see his grandson kick off the high school football season. But, it wasn't your typical opener.

The two teams kicked off the season Big House. The Big House is what they call the stadium where the University of Michigan plays football. On every home  football Saturday of the college season, the Big House holds 106,000 frantic football fans.

Today, not so many. While there was a good fan base from both schools, we guessed there were 4-8 thousand people in attendance.

Quite a thrill though...for the boys to play in the Big House.

Number #7 is my friends grandson. He is the quarterback. The team is quite pensive in the top photo, waiting for the game to begin. In the middle photo, he is about to be crunched after a 6-7 yard gain. the bottom shot, he is leading his team off the field after a prayer at midfield, and after a 14-0 win.

A fun afternoon with a good bunch of people.

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